Sending a Training Load to vinDELIVER App

  • Login to vinDISPATCH - goto - SETUP - Drivers.
  • Select the Driver you would like to send the training job to.
  • Click on Send Training Load on the Green Bar at the bottom.
  • Select continue to proceed.
  • A green box will display in the right hand corner of your screen to confirm the job has been successfully sent.
  • All training loads will have CDN as the first part of the job number
  • To audit your training loads go to Deliveries - My Loads - All Jobs.
  • Enter CDN in the first column titled Job and all your training jobs will then be listed.
  • TEST JOBS are free, however at this stage credits on the CDN application does reduce your credits. (this will be changed in the near future).
  • In the meantime, when purchasing more credits, please send a credit request to and we will reinstate your test job credits when we add your purchased credits.
  • For every training job sent to a driver, and completed correctly, we will double the credits added. ie The 25 credits used for any of your training loads, we will put 50 credits back onto your account.