Setting up vinDELIVER on your Android or Apple device is easy.
- Search the Google or Apple stores for vindeliver
- Download the app onto your mobile device. A test job will be sent automatically to the APP.
- Start the App
- Agree to terms of use and read and dismiss the terms and conditions
- Enter your CMAC code
- Click next to continue
- You can now add your Driver details.
NB The CMAC code connects your driver and his app to your Transport Management System (TMS). Your CMAC code can be found on the dashboard of your vinDISPATCH. If not already done so, register your company here to get access to your vinDISPATCH.
Here is an example CMAC code: ABC-DEF-123. The code can be used on as many devices as you like. Each time the code is used a Device and optionally a Driver will be setup automatically. You should only use this code for devices that you want connected directly to your company. If you are using a subcontractor to move your vehicles then they should use their own code.
- Now Open vinDELIVER
- Enter drivers name
- Search and select drivers name
- Tap on Drivers Name
- Enter password
- Tap on LOGIN