Create Overview

Create is where you will create jobs or import loads.

  • When selecting the Create Tab you have 3 options to select.
  • The first is ”Job” where you can create a job right from the beginning.
  • Import spreadsheet is where you can import a CSV file of a spreadsheet into vinDISPATCH to create multiple jobs.
  • Quoted is where you will find your jobs you have created or imported and not yet allocated.
  • Drafts is where you will find jobs you have started to create via the Customer Trade Login and not yet completed.
  • Pending Quotes - are jobs received from your webpage where a prospect is looking for a quote.
  • Awaiting Quotes - Is when a customer creates a job on your customer trade login via your webpage and requests a price.
  • Once you have quoted a price for this job it will then go into Quoted.