How to claim for payment?

Once you have delivered your load, you should now claim payment from your customer

  • Go to CONTRACTS - SALES - Unclaimed.
  • This will contain a list of delivered loads you have not yet claimed from customer.
  • Select the job you would like to claim payment for.
  • Select ‘Claim from Customer’ - A black pop up will show to claim for any expenses.
  • If you have not added expenses this will be the last chance for you to do so - select ‘Edit Expenses’ or ‘Claim now’ to continue.
  • This will await the customers approval in - CONTRACTS - SALES - Claimed.
  • If an invoice is declined it will be in CONTRACTS - SALES - Declined, and you will also receive an alert to notify you, your payment has been declined.
  • If the customer approves your payment, you will find it in CONTRACTS - SALES - Approved.
  • The job will then be in CONTRACTS - SALES - Approved for you to export to you account system.