vinDELIVER Office - How to Tranship?

Firstly you will need to set up your Tranship location on vinDISPATCH.

  • The tranship location is the location that you will be collecting the vehicle from.
  • The job will then spilt in to 2 for the first driver to deliver to the 2nd driver, and for the 2nd driver to pick up from Tranship location to deliver to the required destination.
  • Go to the last tab along the top - Setup Select Tranship Locations .
  • Look for the tab near the top of the page displaying ‘Create Tranship Location’ in green writing.
  • Enter the postcode or zipcode of where you are collecting the vehicle - hit look up and select address from drop down box. Or if you don’t have the postcode or zipcode enter the Address, Town and add The City in the postcode box.
  • You will then need to go in to the job you want to Tranship on vinDISPATCH.
  • Select the Green Tranship button.
  • Enter the name of the tranship location you just created or enter the city and select tranship address from drop down box.
  • In the notes box below Add any important notes you may have.
  • You will then be back at the job where you will see the job has now split in 2 Journey 1 - where you collected vehicle and location where you are transhipping and Journey 2 below, where you transhiped to where you are

  • Journey 1 will need to be delivered either by the Driver on vinDELIVER or updated to delivered on vinDISPATCH.
  • Journey 2 is now ready to go from tranship location to delivery. 
  • Hit send and select the driver who is delivering the delivery will now be on the Drivers vinDELIVER app ready for him to continue and mark as on way to delivery.