How to Create a Key for Key job?

To create a key for key job.  

  • Go to MarketPlace and post a job
  • You will need to add Notes to the pick up and Delivery details, and the Carrier and Driver Notes stating that this job is part of another job.  For example add to delivery notes that when delivering vehcile A, you will also be collecting vehicle B
  • “K4K part 1.  To collect 'DV58PZS', when delivering 'AE51 MKZ'
  • Advertise the job to your chosen Loadboard
  • Go to your posted jobs and select details on the k4k job you have just created -  select Copy
  • Select the ‘Swap the pick-up and delivery details’  check box and select OK
  • You will need to;
  • Add the vehicle details
  • Edit the notes on pick up and delivery
  • update the Pick-up and Delivery Date, and Payment terms
  • Ensure to add into notes that this is a K4K job along with the original job number
  • Add the vehicle registration details to make it as clear as possible for the driver
  • For example in your notes clearly state  To collect (A) DV58PZS, when delivering (B) AE51 MKZ'
  • You can now advertise this job
  • The key for key notes will be displayed when Carriers view the details for this job on the loadboard.