Recipe 5 - CdxVehicleExchange Flatfile Definitions
The CDXVEHICLE file is a flatfile. Fields are comma separated. and "," used to protect comma. Line are CR/LF terminated
File Format
VEHICLES (1 or more)
CDXVEHICLES | Header | |
EventDateTime Time the sender sent the inventory |
SenderInventoryId Senders Inventory reference |
40 | |
ExchangeId CDX Unique Excahnge Id, Use this Id for keeping track of a Shipment request from CDX. |
20 | |
SHIPMENT | Header | |
SenderScac Scac of Sender |
10 | |
ReceiverScac Scac of recipient |
10 | |
SenderJobNumber A to B Job Number of Sender in senders system |
20 | |
SenderLoadId A to B Load Number from Senders system |
40 | |
SenderTripId Trip Number, Should be used to keep the inventory together on a truck |
20 | |
Price Price for the full shipment |
10 | |
Notes Notes for driver ? logistics |
300 | |
TruckId |
30 | obsolete |
DriverId |
30 | obsolete |
SenderOriginCode Code the location is known as by Shipper / OEM |
30 | |
SenderInternalOriginCode Code the location is known as by the sender |
30 | |
SenderLocationCode Locatiuon code used by the sender |
30 | |
RequestedPickupDate Date the vehicles are required to be picked up by |
20 | |
OrganizationName Name of the location |
100 | |
AddressLine1 First Address line |
300 | |
AddressLine2 Second Address line |
100 | |
City Location city |
50 | |
State Location State |
2 | |
ZipCode Location Zip Code |
10 | |
Contact Contact at Location |
100 | |
Email Email for location |
300 | |
Phone Phone number at location |
30 | |
Notes Notes particular to the location |
300 | |
Country Country of Location |
2 | |
VEHICLE | Header | |
ShipperScac Shipper Scac code |
10 | |
Vin VIN of vehicle |
17 | |
Make Make of vehicle |
50 | |
Model Vehicle Model |
50 | |
Year Vehicle year of registration |
50 | |
Variant Vehicle model variant |
50 | |
Color Color of vehicle |
30 | |
VehicleType Type of vehicle |
20 | |
Weight Weight of vehicle in lbs |
6 | |
Location Location vehicle is parked |
50 | |
MovementNumber Unique movement number in sender system |
50 | |
ReferenceNumber PO or order refernce for reciever |
50 | |
PerVehiclePrice Price paid for vehicle |
10 | |
VehicleNote Notes particular to vehicle |
300 | |
SenderDestinationCode Location of destination known by Shipper or OEM eg Dealer code |
30 | |
SenderInternalDestinationCode Code the destination is know by the sender |
30 | |
SenderLocationCode Code the location is known by the sender |
30 | |
RequestedDropDate Date vehicles should be dropped by |
20 | |
OrganizationNameName of location | 100 | |
AddressLine1 Addres at location |
100 | |
AddressLine2 Address at location |
100 | |
City City of location |
50 | |
StateRegion State of location |
2 | |
ZipPostCode ZipCode of location |
10 | |
Contact Contact at location |
100 | |
Email Email at location |
300 | |
Phone Phone at Location |
30 | |
Notes Notes at Location |
300 | |
Country Country of location |
2 | |
CDXEND | Header |