How do I create a Loadboard?

A loadboard is an electronic board you can advertise your jobs on

A network is a carrier, or a group of carriers you create to give access to your Loadboard

  • For example our default loadboard is named My Loadboard, this is a network of All Carriers
  • The Driven A Loadboard, consists of the A Team Network, your preffered drivers using an app
  • The Driven B Loadboard consists of the A Teamnetwork, your preferred drivers using an app and B Team network, the preferred drivers without an app
  • And the Driven C consists of A Team, B Team and C Team Network. Your preferred drivers using an app and preferred drivers without an app and all of your other drivers
  • You will then be able to post a job to Team A first,  after an hour if the job is still availble, it can cascade and advertise to Driven B, but still also showing to Driven A.  And then after 6 hours if the job is still being advertised it cascades to Team C, all of your other available drivers
  • This way you can advertise your jobs and leave them on the board until allocated, instead of having to go back and re-advertise them
  • For example when you advertise a job to Driven A the carrier in Team A will see this Job, after an hour it will readvertise to Team A and now Team B.  After 6 hours if the jobs is still there it will re-advertise to Team A, Team B and Team C
  • To create your own LoadBoard of carriers, you will firstly need to create a Network of carriers.  Once you have your chosen carriers in a network, you can then add this network to your Loadboard.  Then when you create a job you will be able to select which Loadboard to advertise the job to
  • Go to SETUP >  select Networks and select Add Network
  • Add the name of what you would like call this  Network A.  Check the boxes below if you would like the carriers in this Network A to view you request, this can also be used for carriers you do not want to see your requests, and also to directly allocate a Take it Now Job without having to approve it
  • Ensure to Add Network
  • You will now see your newly created Network, along with any others you have created
  • You will need to select Members (All Carriers) to go and add which carriers you want to select for this new network A. The first column shows the Carriers available, select the Green Plus button to add any carriers , to remove select the red minus button
  • Now go to SETUP > Loadboard and Add Loadboard
  • Add the name of what you would like call this  Loadboard
  • Check the boxes below if you would like the carriers to create loads
  • And if you want this loadboard to cascade to another loadboard, you will need to select which Loadboard to cascade to and select after how long a time to cascade
  • Once you are back at your list of Loadboards select Networks for the Loadboard you are Creating  
  • Now select the green plus box to select the Network you are adding to this loadboard, to remove select the red minus button
  • Now when you advertise a job, you can select the drop down menu and select the Loadboard you wish to advertise this job to
  • The Network or networks of carriers added to this loadboard will be able to to view this job.