Dashboard Overview

Once you have logged in this will bring you to the vinDELIVER Office Dashboard.

This table gives you an overview of activity in each of the areas within vinDELIVER Office.

When hovering over a relevant titles a pop up will display explaining each title’s function.

By clicking on the relevant titles in this table you will be taken to the corresponding page in your vehicle movement plan.

The title at the top of the page will show you how to navigate to this page from the menus system.

In this example you can find the page by going Deliveries-Planning-Jobs Late For Delivery.

You can search for an individual job using any of these fields.

You can also search for multiple jobs or vehicles by entering only a part of the job number or in this case vehicle VIN .

You will also find your CMAC code on the Dashboard. (Carrier Mobile Application Code). For further details on your CMAC code please see our help web page on CMAC codes.

You can go directly to our help page by clicking on the small blue button with the question mark.

For a more detailed description of the Overview Table and each of it’s functions please see our help web page on Dashboard in Detail.