Creating a Load Board to direct 'Allocate'

To directly 'Allocate' a job to a Carrier

  • Go to Setup
  • Then click on Load Boards.
  • Look for the tab near the top of the page displaying Create Load Board in green writing.
  • Firstly give your Loadboard a name eg Team A, and underneath a brief description. eg. Transporters with hand helds.
  • On the left hand side will be a list of Available Transport Companies.
  • The orange number with HH after the carriers name are drivers with hand helds. TP is Trade Platers, ST is single transporters and MT are multi transporters
  • Find the name of the Transport company you would like on your Load Board.
  • Select the carriers name by holding down the left button on your mouse then drag and drop the carrier into the right hand column named My Load Board.
  • Once you have finished adding all the carriers on to Your Load Board ensure to click on the orange SAVE button.
  • If you would like to use the cascading Load Boards. Select the Enable box.
  • In the Move jobs in this load board to box, will be a list of your other Load Boards.
  • Select the Load Board you would like jobs to cascade to. You will then need to select how long after you want jobs to cascade, ranging from 1 minute to 2 days. - Select your required time and ensure to SAVE.
  • For example, when you advertise a job to Team A and you have setup Team A to cascade to Team B after 2 hours the job will automatically cascade from team A to Team B in 2 hours.
  • If you require the carriers on your Load Board to create their own jobs on your behalf you will need to select ‘Allow members to create jobs’, aswell as setting up an API - for further details on how to do this please see
    our Advanced Functions tutorial in the Help Centre.

  • To 'Allocate' a job to a Carrier > Select the job you want to Allocate and select the Green Allocate bar at the top right of the page.
  • A pop up will display asking you how you would like to allocate this job > select 'Directly to a carrier'
  • Under 'Select Carrier' a drop down box will display a list of all the available Carriers
  • Select the Carrier you are allocating the job to and select Continue to proceed.