Recipe 1 - Posting a Job using Open API


This recipe is for a Carrier who wants to POST Job messages to the rest open API to either send to own drivers using vinDELIVER app or to subcontractors using Carrier Exchange or vinCARRIER or Post Jobs to Carriers.

Sending Job messages - Open API POST

Job message

  • a Job message can be sent to create a A to B Job
    • if you are sending a truck load (trip) with multiple stops you need to send a Job for each A to B leg
      eg a 9 car pickup with 3 delivery stops = 3 jobs
  • loadId must be unique for a A to B delivery
    • suggest SCAC-UniqueTripId-PickupQuickcode-DeliveryQuickCode
  • Pickup.quickCode should be the ramp code or pickup code used to uniquely identify the location
  • Delivery.quickCode should be the dealer code or delivery code used to uniquely identify the location
  • Customer.quickcode can be set to create a master list of customers
  • Pickup.requestedDate should be set
  • Delivery.requestedDate should be set
  • vin must be set

Use cases (TMS usage)

  • Auto Allocate the Job to 3rd Party Carrier - allocatedCarrierScac should be used if passing the load to a 3rd Party Carrier ( Carrier exchange or vinCARRIER connected carrier)
  • Create a Job on behalf of a Shipper - shipperScac should be set if you are creating the Job on behalf of a shipper (eg OEM) for shipper reporting and EDI messaging, your company will be set as the aontractedCarrierScac
  • Auto Assign the Job to a Driver - assignedDriverRemoteId should be set if the load is intended for one of you own drivers / trucks or a 3rd Party driver if Allocated

Use cases (Dispatch Boards usage)

  •  Auto Post Job on a Dispatch Board - loadBoardLookupId should be set to place the Job out for advertising, to a grouo of carriers
    • advertiseType should be set to say if it open for bids or fixed price or both
    • buyPrice should be set if its at a fixed price
    • sellPrice can be set if you want to track how much your selling (brokering) the job for
Post api/vind2/openapi/jobs
content application/json
security Basic Authentication or API Key (?apikey=)
api docs Full Class definition, types 
field definitions Field definitions 
api .NET client Data model and Sample code
example JSON Body Example


Suggested test tool Talend API Tester