Recipe 2 - Example JSON Stop

Recipe 2 Example JSON Stop

You will receive a full JSON JOB via the webhook. The following fields are of interest.

  "AssignedDriverName": "Frank Soehnge",
  "AssignedDriverRemoteId": "FRANKRPM",
  "AssignedTruckRemoteId": null,

  "Documents": [
      "Comment": "Gate exit",
      "Type": 2,
      "Url": ""

  "Dropoff": {
    "Eta": null,
    "ProofDocUrl": "",
    "Signoff": {
      "Comment": "",
      "DisplayTime": null,
      "NotSignedReason": null,
      "NotSignedReasons": null,
      "SignedBy": "",
      "Time": null,
      "Url": ""

  "JobNumber": "RPM1007",
  "LoadId": "123497",

  "Pickup": {
    "Eta": "/Date(1572958373000)/",
    "GateOutCode": null,
    "ProofDocUrl": "",
    "Signoff": {
      "Comment": "Pickup complete",
      "DisplayTime": null,
      "NotSignedReason": null,
      "NotSignedReasons": null,
      "SignedBy": "Frank Soehnge",
      "Time": "/Date(1573140260000)/",
      "Url": ""

  "Status": 14,
  "TripId": null,

  "Vehicles": [
      "LoadDirection": 0,
      "LoadLevel": 0,
      "LoadPosition": 0,
      "NonCompletionReason": null,

      "Paperwork": [
          "Key": "PICK_UP_ODO",
          "Value": "567"

     "Photos": [
          "Comment": "Front right",
          "FriendlyType": "Other",
          "Title": null,
          "Type": 0,
          "Url": ""

      "Signature": "",
      "SignedBy": "Agent signing",
      "SignoffComment": "Good job bob",
      "Status": 10,
      "Vin": "32423423H",
