Contracts Overview

A brief overview of the vinDISPATCH Contracts tab.

Contracts is where you can update the status of your delivery contracts.

You can also export this data for invoicing.

Sales displays the contracts between you and your customers.

These are contracts that you will invoice your customers for delivering vehicles.

Unclaimed is your delivered loads where the payment has not yet been claimed from the Shipper.

Claimed is loads that you have claimed and are awaiting for them to approve your submitted payment.

Declined are loads that have been declined for a reason, which you can alter and re-claim for.

Approved is where you will find jobs where the expenses and payment for the job has now been accepted.

Exported is the jobs you have selected to export to an external invoicing system.

Purchases displays the contracts that you have with your suppliers. Your suppliers will invoice you for the delivery.

Unclaimed indicates that you have delivered vehicles but your carriers have not yet claimed the payment. It is likely the carrier is yet to finalise the delivery from a paperwork, financial or expenses perspective.

Claimed indicates that the carrier has completed their delivery to contract and will be claiming for payment

Declined are carriers claims you have declined for payment.

Approved is where you will find jobs where the expenses and payment for the job has now been accepted.

Exported is the jobs you have selected to export to an external invoicing system.

Activity gives you an overview of your Sales, Purchases and Margin and Vehicles and Loads you have delivered.